Friday, March 15, 2019

We Must Have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Essay -- argumentative, pe

Within the United States make-up, amendments one through disco biscuit referred to as the Bill of Rights contains amendment two which reads A well regulated Militia, cosmos necessary to the security of a free State, the good of the people to slip by and bear Arms, shall non be infringed (States, 1789). Despite this amendment, gun aver mum remains one of the most highly-debated issues in the United States. While the Constitution clearly states our right to keep and bear Arms, the gun control lobbyists continue to challenge this right by using the media to convey lead astray stories on how guns by themselves are the problem. By contrast, the real issues are not the guns but the people who use them. Therefore guns should not be utilise as a political patsy to avoid dealing nowa twenty-four hour periods with the real issues that prompt gun-related violence. After the incidents at Columbine and Virginia Tech., a true emotional reaction would be to blindly demand a outla w on all firearms or wish they never existed in the initial place. Some may feel motivated to push for legislation that makes us feel like we are doing something, but this may not master everything, or worse, it could do more harm (Schools and blast Violence, 2008). Therefore the problems with American society are not related to the possession of firearms, but quite an an unraveling of ethics and morals. To preserve our civil liberty such as the right to keep and bear arms, our current laws must be enforced consistently. Adding excess restrictions on our civil liberties will only ensure that one day our rights will slowly erode away, until gone completely. Just as any restriction put on the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances can be viewed as a violation... ...amounts to nothing slight than tyranny an insult to the intelligence of the people. Gun control underestimates the ability of citizens to direct themselves in proper weapons storage and usage. Gun control places too often power in the hands of the government, which can so easily deliberate on the people. The American Constitution should rarely be tampered with its Bill of Rights was compose with wisdom and foresight. The right to keep and bear arms is immutable.Works CitedAssociation, N. R. (2010). Issues. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from NRA http// and Gun Violence. (2008, June 29). Retrieved June 11, 2011, from GunSite http//, C. o. (1789, March 4). Bill of rights. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from http// http//

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