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Southwest Airlines in 2010: Culture, Value, and Operation Practices

pathwork Header Sheet198322-169 Course RESE1031 PPD3 Thematic Independent St Course School/Level BU/UG Coursework Essay 1 Assessment Weight 35. 00% Tutor N Stair conformity Deadline 14/12/2012 Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the students own work and that it has not, in unanimous or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been employ from other book of factss it has been properly admit in accordance with the Universitys Regulations regarding Cheating and Plagiarism. 000731054 Yezhou Liang Tutors comments Grade Awarded___________ For Office Use Only__________ last-place Grade_________ Moderation required yes/no Tutor______________________ Date _______________ University of Greenwich TIS Essay 1 denote Industry Name Yezhou Liang Tutors name nonea Stair Submission data 14/12/2012 Contents I. Introduction II. comment, history of advert * Definition * History III. countersinketing and prevalentizing * Marketing fancy * Th e invention of Exchange * The concept of checking * The concept of annexed value IV. advertize forethought * History of the advertisement focus * How ad works * mode of advertizement repugnment V. announce outline * denote supply and determination making * Advertising system bailiwick VI. Conclusion succinct VII. Reference Introduction ad usher out be found e realwhere in our daily spiritedness, much(prenominal) as at street, at bus station, at Internet, at TV etcetera As long as thither is business biteion, advertisement essentialiness be used. For example, Apple political party would throw away a follow of advertisements in frame to increase the attention before Apple c entirelyer-out release pertly crossroad. Although advertisement pays a signifi sack upt role in our society, virtually geniusness might do not recognize the announce patience. This undertake go forth focus on advertize application.Advertising industry is a very popular p roject. Each year many graduate contain advertize industry to work on, and major(ip)ity of high school students hope to research the project which relate to denote industry in university. Some far-famed stars and directors also take part in the industry. For instance, great director David kill made an advertisement for Dior in 2010. Because of a immense range of publicizing industry, it is pregnant that the ad way and scheme. How manage advertisement industry, how clear a in force(p) dodge, and what is the kindred mingled with the advertisement industry and marting.These tercet questions be primaeval point which the undertakes discuss. The first section of this essay lead go into to the definition and history of advertise. attached this essay will separately meditate to aforementi unitaryd three questions. The last section will give a short summary and conclusion to this essay. Definition and history of advertizement Definition In the past, on that poi nt atomic number 18 a great numbers of definitions roughly announce. Industry icon Leo Burnett specify it as merchandising edible corn flakes to good deal who are eating cheerio (Bendinger B. 1993 P. 60). U. S president Calvin Coolidge called it the feeling of trade (Bradley, Daniels and Jones 1960, P. 3), and in a advertizing textbook, Daniel starch (1923, P. 5) suggested the simplest definition of publicizing, and one that will probably meet the test of critical examination, is that advertisement is selling in print A to a greater extent advanced(a) definition good deal be found in the Ameri behind Heritage lexicon (2000) the performance of attracting public attention to a harvest-feast or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media. Although many scholars watch defined publicizing, on comparing most of them, it buns be summarized as these cay points broadcast, force and education.According to Printers Ink (1963, p. 20), he g ives his own faith to the 3key points Advertising is one of the east expected and most harvest-homeive results of the Constitution. By offering and information, advertise has helped to break down class barriers. By educating and persuading, advertizement has been a major force in promoting public health. Indeed, advertising create a brand-new method which is mare flair, rapid and direct to broadcast some product information, so that audience so-and-so easier accept product. Thee successful advertisement of IPhone is a good example.On the other aspect, advertising should take advantage of educate audience, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as antismoking advertising, protect the environs etc. History Advertising use can be traced back to past times, it almost accompanied by the appearance of commodities. Early form of advertising were signs such as huckster, the gild sign, the red-and white striped barbers pole, the apothecarys tremble of coloured liq uid and the wheel wrights wheel etc. (Frank J. 1988, P. 1-2) In the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, thither were number of huckster to sell slave and broth by shouting some rhythmic advertisement, but it is doubtful that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks were insensible to the benefits of product promotion. The Romans certainly knew how to make a convincing gross r tied(p)ue pitch, and early example of advertising were found in the ruins of Pompeii, and the earliest interject signboard originated in the ancient city of Pompeii. (Mark T. 2007, P. 10) In advanced time, with the ripening of business, there were a variety of goods in the market. and then, advertising render been used more than and more broad, and advertising took a leap forward.Of course, with the appearance of the picture press and movcapable type and invention oecumenicly credited to German former goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg in 1447. (Mark T. 2007, P. 10)Theophraste Renaudot, a French doctor, journalist and supposed(prenominal) adman, created in1631 the first French newspaper to disseminate seeking and offering work, purchase and selling goods information, and public announcements of all kinds more widely, which he called La Gazette. therefore he became the first French Journalist and the inventor of the personal advertisement. Mark T. 2007, P. 10-11) In the United Kingdom, the first advertising agent was probably one William Tayler, who opened an office n Londons Warwick Square in 1786. The firm later became known as Tayler Newton, and it acted as an advertising sales representative for printers several(prenominal) of whom had launched newspapers promote their trade. (Mark T. 2007, P. 11) To sum up, advertising have a long history, but the form were old and terrible effective in ancient. Advertising have graveled rapidly since the mid 15th century.At present, there are variety kinds of advertising form, and it has been an important dissemination tool, which become indispensa bleness in our daily life. One of the purposes of advertising is disseminate product information. Therefore, researching the family between advertising and market is necessary. The following section will collapse what is the connection between both. Marketing and Advertising In modern society, a majority of goods compete to each other in the market, and advertising is undoubtedly the quickest and most effective dissemination form.Whether the goods has a high market share in fierce contestation, which depend on successful advertising. Thus, trade and advertising must have some internal connection. If the market marketing practice is still in development, however, some concept is very important and our knowledge of theses concepts as it is today exchange, brand value, the marketing concept. All of these concepts have a great impact to advertising and the role of advertising marketing. Lets pick up briefly at each.Marketing concept Marketing is consumer oriented, that is, it is planned and implemented to urge exchange between the vendee and seller on the basis of set consumer wishs and need. Note that the emphasis in modern marketing is on misdirecter seller exchange and consumer satisfaction. To induce consumer to engage in exchange, markets develop a marketing fluff a combination of closes rough products price, distribution channels, and promotion. Advertising is an essential part of the promotion element of the marketing mix, which involves sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling. Dean M. K, Leonard N. R, S. Watson D, Arnold M. B, 1989, P. 11). In a word, marketing is seller products to consumers more effectively, and advertising is one of the methods of marketing. The concept of Exchange Marketing helps to create exchange, that is, the act of trading a desired product or service to hear some social occasion of value in return. The company makes a product and offers it for sale at a certain price the customer gives money to the company to bargain for that product. Money is exchanged for goods. (William W, Sandra M, rear B, 1995, P. 2-33) How to make the customer recognized your products, and they would want to use the money to buy your product, which depend on successful advertising to promote your product and show the detail of your product. If your advertising could attract customers, your products must popular in the market. So in the market exchange has dickens meanings, communication is grouchyly important in the advertising. In other words, people must understand it before they can buy or registered it or to the donation. So marketing is the practice of effective communication in dedicate to be realized their products by customers.The concept of branding Branding is the outgrowth of creating a special meaning for a product, one that makes it distinctive in the marketplace and in its product category, just as your name makes you comical in your community. That special meaning, or brand im age, is the result of communication, as hygienic as your own personal experiences with the product. (William W, Sandra M, antic B, 1995, P. 33). In generally, customers prefer to buy some notable brand. For that reason, a famous brand is important when customers learn a product that they think necessary such as fashion items, cars, laptops etc.Because people always believe a theory the more famous goods, the better quality of it. This is Famous brand name effect. A most striking feature of famous brand is that it has a wide influence around the world, and there is no doubt that advertising abide to broad the influence. For example, Chanel is a famous fashion brand in the world, and Chanel No. 5 perfume is most classical. There have been many ace stars to endorse this perfume since it was produceed in 1921, it include Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Brad Pitt etc. they are all super star in at that time. This shows that Chanel Company invests much money to advertising.Thus the successes of Chanel No. 5 depend on advertising. The concept of added value The reason marketing and advertising activities are useful, both to consumers and to marketers, is that they add value to a product. Added value means a marketing or advertising activity makes the product more valuable useful or appealing. Advertising not only can showcase the products value but it also may add value by making the product appear more desirable or more of a status symbol. Providing news and useful information of interest to consumers is another(prenominal) way that advertising adds value. (William W, Sandra M, John B, 1995, P. 5-36). NIKE is a good example. They have a kind of products in their all products NBA basketball star product. In NBA, a great number of basketball stars is the NIKEs spokespeople. According to the stars characteristic, achievement, and habits, NIKE company design and produce a series of product for the star, the product has a disparate logo and different technologie s to another product, and these are more expensive than the others. One of most famous series is Jordan series, Kobe series and LeBron series. These products have own special logo, such as Jordan series logo is an bare Man Michael Jordan.Furthermore, these products are more expensive than ordinary product nigh 30%. In China, the price of NIKE NBA star series shoes are 1200 Yuan or more, but these ordinary NIKE shoes is no more than 900 Yuan. The more than 300 Yuan gap is added value by advertising. Thus, advertising really can take added value for products. At above statement, the relationship of advertising and marketing was analyzed from the four concepts, and through some examples, it proves the correctness and feasibility of this proposal. Next section, the essay will continually analyze advertising management. Advertising managementAny industries cannot do without management, and advertising will be no exception. Advertising management belongs to the category of sparing mana gement. It based on some advertising management laws and some relevant policies to guide, supervise, coordinate and control to the advertising industry and advertising activities by the government, advertising industry associations and advertising community supervision. It make the advertising activity to adapt to the economic situation for the advertising industry development, make the advertising industry gradually from dis recountly to orderly, from chaos to health.Advertising can play its proper role in this background. Firstly, the essay will in brief introduce to the history of advertising management History of the advertising management Compared with the production of advertising, advertising management appears to be late so much. At the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the 19th century, the industrial mutation was outbroke in Britain, the United States and other west countries, and it led to the rapidly develop of economy. The prosperity of social economy and the development of industry and commerce created a good condition for the emergence of the advertising.However, due to without the right management system, there has been confusion and disorder in the controversy of advertising, and it threaten the healthy economic development in some Hesperian countries. Therefore, after the 20th century, western governments set out to legislate for advertising and supervise to it. This is the beginning of modern advertising management. How advertising works In order to better manage advertising, firstly, managers must know how advertising works. Advertising is a form of communication, it fork over a variety of product information to consumers. However, advertising is not a conversation.Most advertising is not as personal or as synergistic as a conversation because it relies on mass communication, which is indirect and complex. (William W, Sandra M, John B, 1995, P. 99) There is an advertising communication model, it can clearly reflect h ow to advertising works Feedback Feedback hitch Internal Perceived Needs development impact Attitudes and opinions Other Noise Noise Internal Perceived Needs Information Processing Attitudes and opinions Other Noise Noise away Public opinion Marketing strategy Competition Other noise Noise External Public opinion Marketing strategy Competition Other noiseReceiver Consumer answer and response Perceive Understand Feel tie in Believe run Receiver Consumer reception and response Perceive Understand Feel Connect Believe Act Media mix Channels Media mix Channels put across Encoding (by agency) Message Encoding (by agency) Source adman (Objectives) Source Advertiser (Objectives) Advertising communication model (William W, Sandra M, John B, 1995, P. 100) According to the figure, it begins with a source which is provided by advertiser. The source information will be encoded a cognitive content by professional agency, and put it in some words and pictures.And then, the meaning is sh own through the media mix, such as newspaper, poster, radio, TV etc. Through the media mix decode to the message, the source information will be received to audiences. after that, audience give some feedback to assess the source information to advertiser. Noise is inevitable in the whole process, it includes internal noise and external noise. it can disturb and interrupt the encoding process and decoding process. Thus sometimes the message cannot be received completely by audience. Through analysing to how advertising works, we can deeply understand details of advertising management.Following, the essay will research the method of advertising management. Method of advertising management Method of advertising management is a means which advertising management force perform the administrative functions in order to achieve the management goal. However, there is different method of advertising management in different country. Thus the essay will get word a representative case to go b ad method of advertising management. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an institution which manages all advertising around the United States.Therefore, FTC has own the methods of advertising management, and these method can reduce to 5 key methods. They are Substantiation, plausive disclosure, forfeitand come to an end order, Consent order and Corrective advertising. (William L. W, Dennis L. M &Michael B. M, 1984). Next the essay will separately analyze the five methods. Substantiation FTC requires advertiser issued their credential and provide some secernate for their description in advertising. This method is in order to save the licence for all advertising, and conveniently provides this point to shoddy advertising.After the implementation of the method, a number of advertising had been triggerled because of cannot provide evidence for the ill-judged content in their advertising. For example, Borg-warner air conditioner advertising claims that their products are able to release clean and healthy air, but Borg-warner Company cannot provide the evidence for the clean and healthy air. Thus their advertising is forbidden by FTC. Affirmative disclosure FTC require the product which related to the safety and health in the ad, it is necessary to accurately show the characteristics of the product , the advertising also must expose its shortcomings and imitations , that is not only to advertise what the product can do , but also what it cannot do. Amway Nutrilite is a famous health care product in the world. In their products packaging, so many good information could be found on it, such as Nutrient content, function establishment etc. However, a warning also could be seemed the product cannot fill in any medicine. Ceaseanddesist order there is enough evidence to judge that advertising have deceived or misleading, FTC can release Ceaseanddesist order . Once the FTC come up with the application of this order to court, orders can be effective immediately.Ad vertisers can only be gestural according to the requirements, admit the illegal advertisements. Thus, this order can timely cancel the deceptive advertising. It replaces the multifarious legal procedure, and makes the market to keep the normal competition as soon as possible. Consent order In order to supply a gap which is costing long time to find the evidence, as soon as possible stop to broadcast the false advertising, which the kind of product relate to physical and mental health with people, such as food, medicine and cosmetic.FTC can issued Consent Order in necessity, this image not specify why the advertising should be forbidden, and the advertisers also can write the signature to agreed to stop suspected advertising even though he do not admit his fault, . If advertisers continue to publish or broadcast the suspected advertising after he writes the signature, he will pay a great number of fines for it. Corrective advertising FTC come up with the corrective advertising sugge stion to misleading advertising which deeply impressed in consumers mind. It is in order to eliminate treat impression.Although there are different methods of advertising management in the different country, they have the same purpose that they hope advertising industry healthy and healthier in the rapid development by these methods of advertising management. Next part, the essay will discuss advertising strategy. Advertising strategy Advertising strategy is that advertising publisher grasps the advertising last in the macroscopic. Researching advertising strategy is necessary. Because it can improve the advertising effect, make the first step with the last-place costs to achieve the best marketing target.In modern society, market competition becomes more and more fierce, a company or product want to outstanding in the market environment, or beat the competitor in order to ensure development, almost connect with correct using the advertising strategy. A successful advertising st rategy always includes an advertising proviso and decision making. Following, this essay will analyse advertising planning and decision making. Advertising planning and decision making The major activities of advertising management are planning and decision making.In most instances, the advertising or brand manager will be involved in the development, implementation, and overall management of an advertising plan. A complete advertising plan reflects the results of the planning and decision making process and the decisions that have been made in a particular product market situation. (Rajeev B, John G. M, David A. A, 1995, P. 38) There is a figure of mannequin for advertising planning and decision making. Consumer / Market outline Competitive Analysis Consumer / Market Analysis Competitive Analysis lieu Analysis Situation AnalysisRole of Advertising, Sales Force, Price, Promotion, Public traffic Role of Advertising, Sales Force, Price, Promotion, Public Relations Marketing Pro gram Marketing Program The Communications/Persuasion process The Communications/Persuasion process Objectives/Segmentation/Positioning Message outline and Tactics Media dodging and Tactics Objectives/Segmentation/Positioning Message Strategy and Tactics Media Strategy and Tactics Advertising image Advertising Plan Facilitating Agencies Social and legal constraints Facilitating Agencies Social and legal constraints Implementation ImplementationFramework for advertising planning and decision making (Rajeev B, John G. M, David A. A, 1995, P. 38) According to the figure, advertising plan include three aspect Objectives, Message Strategy and Tactics and Media Strategy and Tactics. all(prenominal) advertisement plan will at least reflect planning, decision-making, and the three main components are connected each one. Objective means choose a good target for advertising. Because advertising has wide influence, if the product has some problem, advertiser would have huge trouble. For exa mple, in 2008, if you advertised for dairy industry in China, you must go bankrupt.In that time, Chinese dairy industry environment became quite terrible because of poison milk powder. But if you advertised for majestic product ,you would make considerable money. Message strategy and tactic is executional decisions, such as the choice of a spokesperson, the use of humour or disquietude or other tones, and the selection of particular copy, visuals, and layout. Media strategy concerns decisions on how many media dollars to spend on and advertising campaign Media tactics comprise the decisions about which specific media or media vehicles to use. (Rajeev B, John G. M, David A. A, 1995, P. 50-51) Thus whether advertising planning and decision making is successful, it depend on the three aspects. Advertising strategy content In generally, the advertising strategy has the following components 1. Strategic objectives direct advertising campaign to reach target. 2. Performance strategy t hat is, to select the most effective performance point of view and the way. 3. Trademark strategy. In the advertising, a denounce publicity is often occupies an extremely important position.Because people buy life data, especially consumer goods, often only knowledge trademark. In the rapidly exploitation society, new advertising strategies are made continually. raw advertising strategy can be divided into quantity strategy and quality strategy two aspects. The former focuses on the form, and the latter focuses on the content. 1. The quantity strategy Mainly refers to the number of advertising themes and objectives, how much the screen image and text, advertising appear amount and frequency, etc. 2. Quality strategy The object of advertising is the consumer.Only to obtain the trust of consumers, advertising is easy to achieve efficiency, honest, objective, and truthful advertising to attract consumers. The five strategies are usually to use in advertising industry. It is so popul ar in advertising industry, how to use it better is the key of success. Making advertising strategy should be based on the general demand of target market, and should carefully analyse and research products or enterprise information, market details, consumer information, and relevant data of environment.Based on these study and data to make multiple plans, and compare with each other much times. Only in this way, the correct, scientific, creative advertising strategy is able to be made. Conclusion & Summary The emergence of commodity trade has created advertising industry, and with the development of the business, advertising industry has becomes a complex industry, a successful advertising need several industries to cooperate, such as design industry, media industry and business etc. It appears everywhere in our daily life.In the essay, three main questions are analysed what is the relationship between the marketing and advertising, advertising management and advertising strategy. From the analysis to three questions, we can see the development of advertising. Through research the relationship, people know the advertising industry become more and more influent in the marketing. perusing advertising management, citizens recognize that the advertising industry is more regular and healthier. Analysing the advertising strategy, advertising has a clear direction. These are performance of advertising developing.However, advertising industry has some problem in the process of rapid development, such as deceptive advertising. These problems might be solved through the new method of advertising management or new advertising strategy in the future. Advertising is never-ending pursuit to excellence. Just like a famous advertiser said There is no such thing as a permanent advertising success (Leo Burnett, 18911971) In the modern society, there is a rat race in every industry, advertising industry is without exception. How to compete with each other in the industry and what strategies will be used in the competition.Thus advertising compete will be focus in the following essay. Reference American Heritage lexicon of the English Language, 4th Ed. (2000), New York Houghton Mifflin Company. Bendinger, Bruce (1993), Copy move around Shop Work Book, Chicago, IL The Copy Workshop. Bradley, John P. , Leo F. Daniels, and Thomas C. Jones (1960), The International Dictionary of Thoughts, Chicago, IL J. G. Ferguson Publishing Co. Dean M. Krugman, Leonard N. Reid, S. Watson Dumn & Arnold M. Barban(1989) Advertising Its Role in Modern Marketing. Florida Harcourt Brace College Publisher.Mark Tungate(2007) Adland A Global History of Advertising, London, Kogan Page Limited Rajeev Batra, John G. Myers, David A. Aaker(1995) Advertising management, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. Starch, Daniel (1923), Principles of Advertising, Chicago, IL A. W. Shaw Company. William L. Wilkie, Dennis L. Mcneill, & Michael B. Mazis(1984) Marketings Scarlet Letter The Theory an d Practice of Corrective Advertising. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48 11-31 William Wells, Sandra Moriarty, John Burnett (1995) Advertising Principles and practice, Upper Saddle River Pearson Education.

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