Monday, March 18, 2019

Lady Macbeth :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

The typify Macbeth was written by Shakespeare in the early 1600s. There cede been more papers and many different thoughts about the play. This paper, though, is over who is the stronger caliber, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Macbeth is the weaker character of the play.The play is about a nobleman of the male monarch of Scotland, Macbeth, who is told by witches that he could possibly arrest poove if he did a terrible deed. They also showed his right hand man, Banquo, a prediction as well. That his bloodline will strike to kings. The deed that Macbeth has to commit is to toss off the king and take his place. Macbeth furcates his wife, Lady Macbeth, about the prediction the witches and she continues to encourage him until he does kill the king and scared off the kings sons so he can become king himself. He becomes king and the witches that showed him being king came around once more and showed Macbeth another prediction. The prediction showed that Banquos family will become king a nd will lead to more kings. Macbeth decides to kill Banquo and his son but his son gets away. One of the sons of the instanter dead king returns with an army and attacks Macbeth at his own castle. Macduff, one of the many people affected by Macbeths rise to power, engaged Macbeth during the attack and decollate Macbeth in the end. After the battle, Malcolm, one of the sons of the slain king, took power of Scotland and the play ends. Macbeth, at the very beginning of the play, demonstrated just how weak of a character he is. He lets the three witches who meet him at the start of the play continue to speak there poisonous, twisted words Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more...(1.3, 70-71). He lets their words fester in the back of his mind until he goes mad with greed. He also shows his weakness by listening and accept the words of the witches, which he knows are not to be trusted Your children shall be king...(1.3, 86-88). He tells his wife about the witches predictions, who then continues to press upon him the need to fill up his, at that time, destiny. Macbeth finally succumbs to the nags of his wife Prithee, peace I defy do all... (1.7, 45-47). Throughout the continuation of the play, Macbeth continues to show his weakness and lack of a spine.

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