Monday, March 4, 2019

Conservation in the Peak District National Park

saving in the top out District National Park involves more than preventing prostitute and leaving the countryside alone. Management is needed to maintain the variety and interest of the landscape. This involves* spirit after the best features of the landscape, eg well hold moorland and listed buildings.* Improving neglected features eg rebuilding rock n rollwalls and replanting woodlands.* Managing development so that malign is limited eg building and recreation activities.(2) Extent of Activity NowEnglish Nature has designated 3.4% of the Park as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These SSSIs cover 23,862 hectares of the prime of life District. In these areas, manages mustiness consult English Nature before making whatever changes which would adversely affect the Nature preservation interests. The Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve includes split of 5 limestone dales and is managed by English Nature. Country Wildlife Trusts manage reserves totalling ccc hectares.(3) Policies Governing ActivityMany organisations are involved in the peak District National Park these are,* English Nature- the official body trusty for promoting nature conservation nationally.* English Heritage- responsible for archaeology and the built surround.* Peak Park Joint Planning Board- they formulate the conservation policy for the Peak Park.* National Trust, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts- are all also involved with the decisions about the Park.The forestry rush and water companies own large areas of the Peak Park.(4) The Benefits/Importance of ConservationConservation protects the land from being eroded by overgrazing and tourism. As well as this it monitors development so no unsuitable buildings are built which may spoil the traditional settlements and landscape at heart the Park. Conservation helps to protect wildlife in particular rare species, which may only be found within the Peak Park. For e.g. Gro handling and Sphagnum moss.Conservation protects the cha racteristics of the Park by supporting farmers to carry out traditional activities, such as dry stone walling. All of this means that as many people can enthral the Park as possible but most importantly its lulu can be viewed by future generations.(5) The FutureIn the side by side(p) 50 years we would wish well to see a continue in the protection of the Peak Park as a living and changing environment. However in order for the set to fulfil its main aim, which is to exhibition the diversity of life, to provide a beautiful place for city dwellers to shoot the breeze and to limit development in order to sustain the natural environment restrictions on plastered activities must be enforced.We would like to discontinue the use of quarries, as quarrying causes unnecessary noise and air pollution and causes slap-up scars in the natural landscape, which can never be totally repaired. As this is not appropriate as a large studyity of Britains limestone and fluor is provided from the Pe ak Park, we would not allow any NEW quarries to be started. We would like to limit tourism to such a degree that erosion and damage caused by recreation would be stopped, however once again this would not be possible.It would be more reasonable to limit tourism to certain areas, which may be maintained when required or a piddling charge in place in order to repair any damage caused. The small roads and villages were not made for the amount of traffic, which is catamenialy running along them. So many cars cause much pollution, which is apt(predicate) to affect the quality of air. For this we would like to introduce a ban on private transport and would like to see an improvement in park and ride schemes and public transportThe traditional activities of current farmers should be maintained to show the culture of the county side and the slower pace of life. Fertilisers should be positively rejected as these would soon damage the delicate balance of the current Peak Park. Small devel opments are fine but any major ones, which would spoil the natural feel of the Peak Park, should not take place. We must strive to provide a beautiful place for people from cities to address and enjoy, however at present it seems that people are wrecking the very(prenominal) place they have come to admire

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